Apapun yang diberikan Allah kepada manusia pasti baik, namun tidak semua yang diinginkan manusia mengandung kebaikan

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

Book: Protection of Domestic Violence Victims

Perspective Indonesian Criminal Law and Islamic Law


ISBN-13:     978-3-8484-8749-3
ISBN-10:     3848487497
EAN:            9783848487493
Book language: English

Protection of the rights of domestic violence victims, received special attention in the Indonesian criminal law through Law No.23 of 2004 on the Elimination of Domestic Violence. Efforts legal protection for victims of domestic violence, which is regulated by law is only done when a person has experienced, and are victims of domestic violence, through temporary protection, and the protection of the courts, and the repressive action (punishing the perpetrators), and curative acts against victims of domestic violence. But this law, not formulated safeguard victims of domestic violence at the educational stage (before a person experiences and become victims of domestic violence). Though these educational efforts, is very important in order to avoid someone, especially the wife, of acts of domestic violence from her husband. The protection of domestic violence victims can be traced, and explored, both from the verses of the Koran, hadith,maqasid shari'a, and fiqh scholars opinion and commentary scholars. the protection of domestic violence victims in Islamic law, should be taken from a person before marriage.
Publishing house:
LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
By (author) : La Jamaa
Number of pages:264
Published on: 2014-02-14
Stock:  Available
Category: Criminal law, Criminal Law Proceedings, criminology
Price: 59.90 €
Keywords: criminology, Criminal law, 774, Criminal Law Proceedings
For those who are interested can purchase the book on-line bookstore, is a partner-LAP Lambert Academic Publishing at the following page: 

atau Amazon.com:

http://www.amazon.com/Protection-Rights-Domestic-Violence-Victims/dp/3848487497 (ketik dlm kotak google search)

Sedangkan bagi yang membutuhkan buku berbahasa Indonesia tentang Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam, dapat membaca buku saya berjudul: "HUKUM ISLAM DAN UNDANG-UNDANG ANTI KEKERASAN DALAM RUMAH TANGGA," terbitan PT BINA ILMU SURABAYA, 2008.

Untuk lebih jelasnya dapat dilihat pada link berikut ini: 
